Massive probe design for molecular Bioidentification

Mathomics provides oligo-design services oriented towards the production of expression microarrays, bioidentification chips and genotyping solutions. These designs consider both specificity and thermodynamics of the probes. Mathomics has experience in the integration of such technologies in the industry.

Also, Mathomics can design massive amounts of highly specific primers for all kinds of PCR experiments (qPCR, RT-PCR, etc.). Additionally, specific designs of probes and oligos can be implemented on demand, according to the emerging needs of the client. Information is provided through adequate graphical interfaces.

The analysis of microarray and bioidentification chips results are carried out with the latest statistical techniques, using software libraries developed in world class centers. Since all of our programs are implemented using open source libraries, it is possible to modify the analysis according to the needs of the client. The identification tools give essential guidelines to decide further experimental steps, process adaptation and/or hypothesis confirmation.